Friday, 24 October 2008

social entrepreneurship

One of the courses this term is on the verge of changing all my priorities in life.

It is interesting that title of another course 'Self Transformation - Indian Approaches' is more appropriate to the result of Social Entrepreneurship course. STIA is about philosophy and spirituality in different religions and transformation of self. While STIA is also food for thought, SE has actually transformed me, or at least influenced my thoughts quite a bit.

Till now it was only a budding thought that I should take up something socially relevant - so I was trying to volunteer for different NGOs and help them in documentation or other MBA-like work. Though a management school leaves little time to volunteer in actual field work, this term did give some opportunities to do that through course work as well as voluntarily.

The thought was probably rooted right at my school Jnana Prabodhini, working itself for rural employment generation, education for children of sugarcane workers & tribal children and other such initiatives. Increasingly, I am coming to believe that I should work full-time in the development sector (poverty alleviation, NGOs, improvement of livelihoods, etc). I am not yet sure if I will take it up right after graduting from IIMB. If not immediately, I do want to, in near future.

PS: Even after putting it in to-do list, blogging has taken a back-seat. As part of that to-do, next I promise to write on some people I look up to - some social entrepreneurs, some mavericks, a couple of musicians. The common thing that connects them is probably their passion.


Harshada Vinaya said...

" तत त्वम असी
अहं ब्रह्मास्मी "

according to "अद्वैत", liberation is the realisation of one's own nature. it is only the "realisation", which is free from all, hope and wish you realise more and more..

Sandeep Chauhan said...

well.....i just wish...i could be as strong as you.....may u walk ur own path

Anonymous said...

keep the bell ringing....many r bound to hear...

sonik said...

that's a nice thought :)

Unknown said...

@all - thanks.